Himel's Linux Debian Mirror

Unofficial Build of linux packages with extra features.
Some applications are also available at Snap Store
Special packages are only availabe here


 sudo apt install curl
 sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/himel.gpg https://mirror.himelrana.com/himel.gpg
 echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/himel.gpg] https://mirror.himelrana.com/ stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/himel-release.list
 sudo apt update


python logo Python v3.12.3 sudo apt install python3.12
ssh logo SSH-Tunnel Port Forwarding V1.0.0 sudo apt install ssh-tunnel
notes logo iCloud Notes for linux v1.2.0 sudo apt install icloud-notes
mail logo iCloud Mail for linux v1.2.0 sudo apt install icloud-mail
whatsapp logo Whatsapp for linux v1.2.0 sudo apt install whatsapp-linux